To see a list of winners for this exhibit, please click HERE.
We are excited to announce our Annual Open Juried Exhibit at the Roswell Visual Arts Center.
This is a Juried exhibit, open to all photographers – RPS members and non-members.
There will be more than $2,000 in prizes and four categories:
- Architecture/Travel
- Nature/Landscape
- People/Animals
- Still Life/Abstract
Call for entry: Aug.17 through September 7
Delivery Dates: Friday, September 30, 10 am-4 pm: Saturday, October 1, 10 am-1 pm, Roswell Visual Arts Center
Hanging Date: Monday, October 3 at 10 am, Roswell Visual Arts Center–Volunteers needed. Please contact Gittel at if you can help hang the show!
Opening Reception: Friday, October 7, 6:30-8:30pm
Judge: Tony Casadonte, Lumiere Gallery
Location: Roswell, Visual Arts Center, Located inside Roswell Area Park
10495 Woodstock Rd, Roswell, GA 30075
Fees for entry:
RPS Members–$30.00
Deadline for ENTRY: September 7th
You may submit up to six (6) entries! Entries that are juried in will be notified by email.
Framing & delivery:
Max size image & frame is 24 x36. Must be matted, if framed. Works may be printed on paper, wood, metal glass etc. your choice. But you must have framing wire on the back. Your business card on the back or contact information with price and CATEGORY.
Please remember to utilize our RPS sponsor for discounts on printing and framing purposes!
DISCLAIMER: By entering this show you verify that you have read the entry application and rules carefully, understand and agree to comply with all the rules, including the waiver of liability and 30% commission. You also understand that the decisions of the judge are final.
LIABILITY: Care will be taken in handling and securing images. However, The City of Roswell, Roswell Visual Arts Center, Roswell Recreation and Parks Department, and Roswell Photographic Society assume no responsibility for loss or damage to the work.