Our August 2020 Photo Review (topic: Black & White) was judged by Terrell Clark.
If you were’nt able to attend the meeting or if you would like to listen to it again, click the link below to view the recorded video:
RPS August Photo Review recording
“To see in color is a delight for the eye but to see in black and white is a delight for the soul”
Andri Cauldwell
Black and white photography is the art of using different tones of gray, ranging from white to dark, to create compelling images. This is a great opportunity to improve your overall photographic skills. Creating a striking black and white image requires more than just desaturating a good color shot.
RPS August 2020 Photo Review
Topic: Black & White
Where: Virtual Meeting
When: Tuesday, August 2, 2020
Judge: Terrell Clark
About Our Judge – Terrell Clark
A native of Meridian, Mississippi, Terrell Clark is a photographer with an exceptional eye who possesses that rare ability to capture those precious moments in life that would otherwise be missed and forever lost in the vortex of forgotten memories.
His work has appeared in numerous newspapers, magazines and publications, and on-line publications including The Meridian Star, Huffington Post, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Gulf Scapes Magazine, Season Magazine, Hechinger Report and Loft Life Magazine.