RPS Annual Juried Flower Show
Announcement of Winners can be found HERE
Exhibit Reception: May 1st, 2pm
Exhibit Dates: April 1 – May 30
Our judge for this year’s exhibit: Larry Winslett
Roswell Cultural Arts Center
950 Forrest Street
Roswell, GA 30075
( next to our Library & City Hall)
Current RPS members may submit up to 4 photos for a single entry fee of $25 by March 20. This exhibit will be juried by an outside judge and participants will be notified as to which images are selected for inclusion in the show.
There are no restrictions as to where or when your image was taken except that the image must not have been previously exhibited at the Cultural Arts Center and the main subject must be a flower or flowers.
SUBMIT ENTRY by Midnight March 20
Framing & delivery:
Any size image & frame or no frame your choice matted or not. Printed on paper, wood, metal glass etc. your choice. But must have framing wire on the back. Your business card on the back or contact information.
Please remember to utilize our RPS sponsor for discounts on printing and framing purposes!
Delivery date:
March 30, 12pm to 8pm
If doors are locked knock or ring bell. Usually far right door open.
May 1st 2pm
Address: Roswell Cultural Arts Center ( next to our Library & City Hall)
950 Forrest Street
Roswell, GA 30075
DISCLAIMER: By entering this show you verify that you have read the entry application and rules carefully, understand and agree to comply with all the rules, including the waiver of liability and 30% commission. You also understand that the decisions of the judge are final.
LIABILITY: Care will be taken in handling and securing images. However, Roswell Cultural Arts Center, Roswell Recreation and Parks Department and Roswell Photographic Society assume no responsibility for loss or damage to the work.
Take down date: May 31st