Annual Photo Walk: Roswell, October 1, 2022

  • Thanks to all who participated! SEE WINNERS HERE

  • Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022              REGISTER HERE!
  • Venue – Downtown Old Roswell
  • Cost – $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. (This event is open to members and non-members. Children must be accompanied by an adult. However, if an adult is accompanying the minor and is NOT participating in the competition, they need only indicate they are coming and do not have to pay a fee). All monies collected will given as prize money. $100 First Place winner.
  • Park for free behind the Fire Department on Green Street or at City Hall
  • Meetup – 9:00 am (note change from 8 am). The Heart of Roswell (925 Canton Street across the street from Mac McGees Restaurant, (red building). Sign-in & receive instructions. 
  • 9:30 to 11:30 – Explore & shoot Downtown Old Historic Roswell 
  • 11:30 – Meet at Uncle Jack’s Restaurant, 1105 Canton Street. Lots of tables & chairs out on the front lawn to sit relax & post-process photos. If you finish earlier, just go to the restaurant and post-process photos. There are lots of chairs on the lawn to sit. 
  • Uncle Jack’s Canton Street best restaurant in Roswell, Ga 

  • Judge: Phil Bekker
  • 11:30 am to 1:00 pm – Post-process photos. You may use any phone apps for this. Choose your top 3 images for judging.  RPS volunteers will assist you in uploading your images to an online platform.
  • 12:00 – All those having lunch will move to the patio to be served. ( if do not want to eat, you may still sit at a table and enjoy conversations & share images with one another).
  • 1 pm – We will announce the winners and hand out the checks: First Prize is $100. If you are not present, an e-mail will be sent to you. And all will be sent out in our Newsletter too.
  • If want to join us for lunch, please email Gittel Price at, so we may make your reservations ahead of time.


Position your phone camera closely in front of an object/surface that you can shoot through but use a section of the object/surface to form the blurred or intro area that is in focus beyond the blurred section, to which the eye will focus on.

 The result should be a carefully considered balance of negative and positive space, incorporating minimalism in both design and color palette, which results in an abstract, minimal interpretation of the scene/location.

 Examples below:


Any questions before, during, or after the photo walk, please text or call: Gittel Price (404-933-5473)

LIABILITY:  The City of Roswell and Roswell Photographic Society assume no responsibility for loss, injury, or damage during the photo walk.