Wildlife Photography A-Z
Our second virtual meeting was held successfully on May 5th. David Anglin shared amazing images, insights and advice on Wildlife Photography. In this presentation, David described what techniques and equipment are crucial for success with wildlife photography and shared some of his love and respect for the outdoors and its inhabitants.
If you were not one of the 70+ people who joined us for the online meeting or if you want to go back and see the presentation again, click on the following link to view a recording:
About David Anglin

David grew up in Oklahoma with access to a friend’s 4,000 acre cattle ranch where he spent most of his free time hiking, hunting, riding cutting horses and working with animals. He loves nature and has always felt a special connection with wildlife.
David started his journey with photography after college when he purchased his fist SLR. He took a 20 year break from photography as he pursued his corporate career and didn’t re-enter the photographic world until 2000 when he purchased his first digital camera. David combined his love of animals with photography and has been focused on wildlife for over 20 years.