RPS will be displaying an exhibit of Azalea images as part of the Annual
Roswell Azalea Festival. The Exhibit will be displayed through the month of April at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center.
DEADLINE to submit your entry is March 30, 2018 at Midnight.
Guidelines: Current 2018 RPS members may submit two photos for the exhibit. Main subject of the image must be an AZALEA flower. There are no restrictions as to where or when your image was taken but it needs to feature an azalea.
All photos entered will be accepted, judged, and displayed. Any framing style is allowed, frame size up to 16in x 20in.
Prizes: A cash award will be given by the City of Roswell Visitors Center for best in show.
Entry Fee: NONE
Location: Roswell Cultural Arts Center
950 Forrest Street, Roswell, GA 30075
Key Dates:
03/30: Submission Deadline
03/31: Drop off framed images
04/02 – Exhibit opens