Most commonly, abstraction takes place when a photographer focuses in on a fragment of a natural scene, isolating it from its context. By zeroing in on the color, texture, line, shape, geometry, symmetry, or reflection of a scene, the photographer warps our perception of the real world and familiar objects.
Here’s your opportunity to take what Phil Bekker described to us in the April meeting and show us what you can do with abstract photography!
The following criteria will be considered for judging of the Abstract competition:
- ORIGINAL WORK: Do not go through archives to try and find something that may ‘fit’ for this effort.
- UNCONVENTIONAL: Don’t do the obvious, the viewer should be surprised and challenged to identify the subject matter.
- COMPOSITION AND DESIGN: Strong composition, less obvious color palette / remarkable B&W tonality and clever approach to the subject.
- TECHNICAL: Keep details in the highlights, explore focal length, aperture and angle / position of approach to the subject.
Topic: Abstract Photography
Where: Zoom Meeting (online – see latest Newsletter for more info)
When: Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 6:30pm-7:30pm
Judge: Phil Bekker
To view/download the slideshow presentation, please click HERE.
About Our Judge, Phil Bekker

Born In Rhodesia ( Zimbabwe ), Phil studied commercial photography in South Africa & England, later moving to the United States, where he achieved his Master of Fine Arts Degree.
Exhibited, collected and published extensively around the world, Phil offers clients photography with a distinctive color-saturated, graphic and often abstract style. He is perhaps most widely recognized for his innovative Polaroid work, some of which is in The Polaroid Collection and included in the global exhibition, ‘Polaroid 50; Art and Technology’, which premiered at Photokina in Germany and also featured such artists as Andy Warhol, Ansel Adams, and Brett Weston, amongst others.
Award publications include: Communications Arts Photography Annual, Applied Arts Photography Annual, Graphis Photography, Poster and New Talent Annuals, Photography Selected From The Graphis Annuals, Print’s Design Annual, International Color Awards, Photographers International, Zoom and La Fotografia.
Clients have included, Bell South, Buchtal Tiles, CDC, Cit Group, Coca Cola, Contel, Corporate Aircraft Partners, Corobrick, Georgia Power, Honeywell, Lilletts, Meaver, Mercedes Benz, Nortex Mills, Orkin, Pierre Cardin, Playtex, Psygnosos, Ritz Carlton, San Destin Resorts, Selectics, Sherwin Williams, Siemens, Southern Bell, Southern Sun Hotels, USArchitecture, Unilever, Zweigart.
Collectors include: Hyatt Group – Paris, France, Saks Fifth Avenue, Polaroid International Collection, UPS Consulting, Grant Thornton, Mrs A Cox Chambers, Dow Lohns & Albertson, Drew Eckle & Farnham, Silvercreek Country Club – San José, Judith Ripka, Mrs D. Jansen, DR. J Massey, Dr J Murray, Dr & Mrs Saks, Mr & Mrs Maloof, Dr & Mrs P Delport, Mr I Lowenstein and many more corporate and private collectors.